Love, Food, and other Delights
It’s Valentine’s Day and there are a million
websites that offer up sexy food ideas for couples looking for some culinary
indulgence to go with the day.
So why be
repetitive? Buy some oysters if you
must, grill a steak until just barely bloody and open a bottle of lusty red
wine. Here are my suggestions on how to
USE the food you make.

And get good chocolate. No Hershey’s allowed. Try Green and Black's Organics, Dark 85%.
Red Wine:
Go big for the holiday. Get a Syrah or Petit Syrah, something with a full,
round body. The same method applies here
as with chocolate, but don’t heat the wine.
Just share it with your partner, mouth to mouth, or put a little in your
mouth to and kiss some favorite body part.
Your choice.
Make Food Together:
There is nothing sexier (to me, at least) than two
people working in the kitchen together.
If you both like to cook, then this one is a no-brainer. Put on some lovely music and get in there.
Spread a table cloth on the floor and assemble
your dishes there. Eat with your
fingers. You can feed each other, of
course, or better yet, go Tom Jones, and feed each other without talking. I’m certain this activity will excite and
inspire whatever follows.
...Or a Sensual Feast:
...Or a Sensual Feast:
Blind-fold your partner and offer them tastes,
textures, and scents. Start with a clementine
rind squeezed beneath the nose, let them rub a little pate or jam between their
fingers and then taste it. Feed them contrasting
or complimentary tastes to wake up both their palate and their senses. Kiss.
A lot.
Whatever You Make, Make It With Love:

Remember Like Water for Chocolate? What you feel goes into the food. Even Mac & Cheese is sexy if you want it
to be.
Be inspired by your feelings for
someone and make something you love.
Drink Sparkling Wine
There is nothing that makes me giddy like a glass
of bubbly. It will make you happy and a
bit reckless. That’s a great starting
point for whatever events might unfold.
You can get great inexpensive Cava or Prosecco if you’re on a
budget. Ask your wine guy for
Happy V-Day to lovers and food lovers, alike!
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